These resources are provided to help you communicate to your community the recent changes in assessment and content standards. These items are downloadable and free to use and distribute.

Let us know what you think.

FAQ Sheets

Print and distribute these lists of questions frequently asked about Wyoming education.

PowerPoint® Templates

Use these templates to create a baseline during community presentations; you may add custom content geared for your district.

  • A-level version
    For use in large or introductory presentations with parents and those unfamiliar with Wyoming education concepts.
  • B-level version
    For use in small groups or for more in-depth discussions.

3-Panel Brochure

Here’s an informational brochure for download and distribution; print this in-house or take it to your local service shop (Kinkos, OfficeMax, etc.).

Note: Be sure to configure your printer settings to print on both sides of the paper (duplex), and to print in landscape orientation.